Project Goals

The key objectives of the MEDGENET project are:

  1. To increase CEITEC´s international visibility and competitiveness;
  2. To strengthen collaborations already existing only on the level of single individuals, and to initiate of new collaborative links for sharing expertise and knowledge in biomedical studies;
  3. To implement cutting edge technologies to perform (epi)genomics and gene expression analyses;
  4. To enhance the development of new biotechnology and bioinformatics tools for application in clinical practice;
  5. To create a well-educated taskforce of biomedical researchers, capable of designing and organizing competitive projects, skilled technical staff who can operate sophisticated instruments, computer scientists and bioinformaticians who can handle, analyse and store large biodata and develop cutting edge bioinformatics software tools, molecular biologists, statisticians and geneticist who will be able to interpret biological functions and explain the nature and consequences of (epi)genomic findings for human health and diseases.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692298.
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